Print on canvas, 150 x 100 cm. History does not remember the common person. She doesn’t care about doctors, teachers, builders, electricians, law enforcement... She doesn’t care about the faces and names of ordinary workers. But they are important to us, because without them our life is impossible.
Invisible work
Print on canvas, 150 x 100 cm. History does not remember the common person. She doesn’t care about doctors, teachers, builders, electricians, law enforcement... She doesn’t care about the faces and names of ordinary workers. But they are important to us, because without them our life is impossible.
Vario-print, 58 x 58 cm. Reaching heights and seeing the world from the sky was my biggest dream, but there was no way to realize it. Now there is an opportunity, but there is no wheel. Is the dream still there?
About the timeliness of dreams. Part 1.
Vario-print, 58 x 58 cm. Reaching heights and seeing the world from the sky was my biggest dream, but there was no way to realize it. Now there is an opportunity, but there is no wheel. Is the dream still there?
Vario-print, 58 x 58 cm. Reaching heights and seeing the world from the sky was my biggest dream, but there was no way to realize it. Now there is an opportunity, but there is no wheel. Is the dream still there?
About the timeliness of dreams. Part 2.
Vario-print, 58 x 58 cm. Reaching heights and seeing the world from the sky was my biggest dream, but there was no way to realize it. Now there is an opportunity, but there is no wheel. Is the dream still there?
Vario-print, 58 x 58 cm. Reaching heights and seeing the world from the sky was my biggest dream, but there was no way to realize it. Now there is an opportunity, but there is no wheel. Is the dream still there?
About the timeliness of dreams. Part 3.
Vario-print, 58 x 58 cm. Reaching heights and seeing the world from the sky was my biggest dream, but there was no way to realize it. Now there is an opportunity, but there is no wheel. Is the dream still there?
Ручная печать на ткани, пришитые ветви дерева.  15 х 23 см.
Ручная печать на ткани, пришитые ветви дерева. 15 х 23 см.
Photo.  2021
Photo. 2021
Digital drawing.  2022
Import substitution
Digital drawing. 2022
Museum keeper
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Смотрительница. Фото в общей экспозиции
Смотрительница. Фото в общей экспозиции