

The work was performed jointly with biotechnologist Nadezhda Romanchuk.

Size - 116 by 116 cm.

The work was created by living organisms – bacteria.
They live, reproduce, fight, and most importantly, die in the same way. After death, they become colorless and flat, making them barely visible.
People are depicted with bacteria. They are placed in Petri dishes.
During exposure, the painting goes through its entire life cycle, dying at the end.
As a result, the gray mass will die and become unrecognizable, but the city will remain alive.

Expanded text:
At the beginning of December, Nadya, my friend, approached me with an offer to draw together. She is a biotechnologist.
Biotechnologists are exploring the possibilities of using living organisms to solve various problems.
Nadya showed me the Petri dishes. She told and showed me how to work with bacteria correctly, how to properly control their life process, and advised me throughout the entire work.

It turns out that the trajectory and intensity of bacterial growth can be controlled like living organisms that are more familiar to us.
Bacteria grow, multiply, fight among themselves in the same way, and die in the same way. After death, they become colorless and flat, making them barely visible.

I now have the ability to control other beings. Alive. Perhaps even reasonable.
After thinking about this idea, I decided that living beings should be drawn as living beings. A cluster of bacteria should be drawn as a cluster of bacteria.
So I decided to write about the pandemonium of people. After all, we, on a cosmic scale, are just as small and, perhaps, unreasonable creatures.

In the course of my work, I had to take over some of the functions of the demiurge. I multiplied the bacteria, placed them in the conditions I needed, I controlled the growth of their population, the speed of reproduction. When something went wrong, the escaping colonies of bacteria had to be destroyed.

Only people are drawn as bacteria. City/environment - printed cover, which will not be anything.
As a result, the gray mass will die and become unrecognizable, but the city will remain alive.